It's been a while for me, but the fun is back. Here's what I'm up to now...
Collection of funny stories
Published on January 30, 2005 By Scarebear In Personal Computing
I don't know how many people have already seen this, but it was shown to me recently and I've had quite a few laughs reading the stories on this site. So I thought I'd share for others who also get a laugh out of such stories
Comments (Page 1)
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on Jan 30, 2005
Thanks for the link to the laughs!! These remind me of my own days in Tech Support (way back when having a 14.4bps modem was something to brag about!!). I remember getting chewed out by customers because, "Prodigy came with my computer, why should I need a modem to use it?" It was especially "fun" when customers acted as if I was sitting in front of a monitor looking at the same thing they saw on theirs. ;~D

I used to call our tech support: "1-800-I Can't Get it Up!" since that was such a common phrase used by customers. lol

Thnx for the memories, I'll probably waste far too much time on that website!!!
on Jan 30, 2005
I've wasted a lot of time going through these My friend that showed me the link is a Tech Support guy now and often has stories to tell me. I just love these sorts of things
on Jan 30, 2005
arrrggghhh! I can't stop reading this stuff......... I'll get you for this Jason.
on Jan 30, 2005
On the 26th I put up a list of true computer stories. Maybe you would like to see them. They are in the Humor section.

Sorry I posted twice about this. my bad
on Jan 30, 2005
That's a great site. Maybe it's where the ones I put up under humor on the 26th came from. I had received them from a friend.
on Jan 30, 2005
Sorry Randy

clwoods - It's possible as there is so much to read there. But I haven't read the ones you listed yet ( - clwood's article). So you're article was still new to me
on Jan 31, 2005
I stayed up until 4 am reading that stuff.....was absolutely hilarious!! It's seriously frightening that there are people that stupid out there with such technology.
on Jan 31, 2005
Is'nt it though. My husband and I laughed for hours! Smile!
on Jan 31, 2005
Lol that's old site, but still funny!

Lots of new stories since I was last there, however.
on Jan 31, 2005
Scarebear, thanks for the link! Smile!
on Jan 31, 2005
on Jan 31, 2005
LOL! I've seen this before, but it's a joy to read it again. This stuff never gets old
on Feb 01, 2005
Giggle a second. Actually Old Crab just smirks! Since I'm usually the rear end joke to those guys anyway!
on Feb 01, 2005

I read many of them, and could see a lot of my calls in them.  My Favorite was back in 91 when we were expanding a network in a 400 user agency in a sky scraper (over 30 floors - the agency had the top 8 and the bottom 1 - dont ask my why - state government!).

We had just networked the users on the first level the night before and verified that everything was ok.  I got a call from one genius that we broke his computer when we installed the LAND system!  SO I went down 27 floors to check out what was wrong.  I get to his desk, and sure enough the computer is off.  So first things first, I tried the power switch.

You guessed it!  He asked "what is that?".  Seems he had been turning off the monitor and thinking his computer was off, so when I had finished the night before and actually powered it off, he was clueless on how to get it back on!

He retired 12 months later.  Good for him.

on Feb 01, 2005

That's hilarious. I just love these sorts of things. My wife does customer care for a national bedding manufacturer and I'm often surprised at the calls she gets. I'm guessing all support staff, no matter the industry, have funny calls
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